Is Higher Education Worth the Price?

   Higher education has been something seen as a way to go up the ladder of life with more financial opportunities, but it seems that now prices have been spiking up to an amount that is not sustainable for upcoming college students who cannot financially support themselves. Higher education is not worth the price. The documentary and especially the articles gave me greater insight with how college education should be reformed.  I had already thought that the educational system was flawed, but the articles and documentary had only confirmed my suspicions.

    I really liked how we took notes on the topic using the 4 A's because it gave me an array of perspectives that I might have not probably considered if I were to do the other note taking methods.  The evidence that stood out to me was when I had heard from the "Ivory Tower" documentary that "Colleges have lost their way of who they are and what they are, they have turned into huge businesses". Upon that statement, the narrator elaborated on how colleges were adding these frivolous amenities and it probably helped in spiking up the tuition.  While it is nice to have your students indulge, the quality of education is simply not the best because funding is going into unnecessary things. College students could still experience those things without a college tuition behind it because they will probably lose more money from it.  This point further supports a point in the article “Are Colleges Worth the Price of Admission?” when it states “Finding money to eradicate that outcast group should have highest priority--higher, certainly, than building a mega-athletic complex or a new campus in Abu Dhabi”. Then it also elaborates on how presidents of colleges should be public servants, thus having us rethink where exactly funding is going and if it is really improving the quality of education or the quality of the professors teaching students too. 

I like how the video I provided brings up the fact that college education was made during a time where there was a little distraction. With so many options to do many things in the modern world, it can be overwhelming and distracting to even stay on track of what you want to do.  I had often thought that educational systems with not much engaging professors/teachers were just making education itself industrialized.  It would pump out students with degrees or diplomas and leave them confused in their place in the world along with crippling student debt.  College is certainly not worth the price as it does not confirm a stable job once you are out of it and there are other options for it.  Our first ranking choice for the Aspire part of our assignment quote from “Are Colleges Worth the Price of Admission?”, states “Engage all students. We believe all Americans can do college work, so universal enrollment should be our nation’s goal”. From this perspective I had concluded that those who have the opportunities to get a college education for a fair and reasonable price should take advantage of it with the resources given to them.  This does not mean that there is not anything to change about college education, but as long as these up and coming adults of America are pursuing their dreams and passions they do not need to succumb to the societal standard of getting a college education. 


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